“Jay Adams was not the greatest pool skater, nor was he the greatest bank skater, or the greatest slalom skater or the greatest freestyler. The fact is, Jay Adams’ contribution to skateboarding defies description or category. Jay Adams is probably not the greatest skater of all time, but I can say without fear of being wrong that he is clearly the archetype of modern-day skateboarding. Archetype defined means an original pattern or model, a prototype. Prototype defined means the first thing or being of its kind. He’s the real thing, an original seed, the original virus that infected all of us. He was beyond comparison. To this day I haven’t witnessed any skater more vital, more dynamic, more fun to watch, more unpredictable, and more spontaneous in his approach than Jay. There are not enough superlatives to describe him.”
Stacy Peralta
Le skate, tout comme le surf, fait partie des fondamentaux de la glisse. On a tous rêvé un jour ou l’autre d’être un bon skater. C’est sans doute un des disciplines les plus exigeantes qui soit. On reparlera ici en détails du skate, tant son influence a été forte.