Refining Red Bull's position in tomorrow's sports
Imagining the events of tomorrow
Following an understanding of Red Bull’s strategic issues, Codezero proposes ways to analyze sports in France based on societal changes and will challenge Red Bull’s current choices. The work process was marked by four stages:
- Presentation (Prospective Radar) to teams of societal and sporting trends likely to influence the sports of tomorrow, with three levels of focus: sport, athletes, and events.
- Workshop (1/2) to prioritize topics. Each group must select and prioritize the trends it deems relevant.
- The Codezero team delves into the chosen areas of reflection.
- Workshop 2/2 Each group will have to reflect on two themes and defend them during the presentation, as if they were convincing the audience of the relevance and interest for Red Bull.
Four development axes were chosen by a team sensitive to societal trends that infuse sports.